It was love at first sight when I saw the Native American trading post in Sebastopol on HWY. 116!!! Some of my favorite memories of being a child was driving to Montana to visit my Grandparents and cousins. It would usually take several days and along the way were Indian Trading Posts. They were always filled with treasures you’d never see anywhere else. Sebastopol’s “Native Rider’s” is the only Trading Post in between Arizona And Washington state. They have beautiful American made hats, furs clothing and exquisite vintage jewelry. (check out the squash blossom necklaces in this shoot) Definitely worth checking out! Thank you Native Rider’s for letting us shoot there! Or crash your establishment on Memorial Day! I can’t say enough about how wonderful these Senior models are! They include Makenna Mattei and Maddie Kenyon Mattei from Casa Grande, Ashley Ayers from Petaluma, Haley Antonini from St. Vincent’s and Jullie Bundesen from Cardinal Newman.Thank you so much!!! You girls ROCK!!!
We literally went on a little Road trip in Sebastopol hitting some awesome and funky spots for this shoot. The styling is by me with input from each model. The girls did their own hair & makeup for a natural “road trip” look. My inspiration and some of the clothes are from Spell Designs Australia, surprise,surprise! #Spelladdict
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