The plan was set in motion……Jessica wanted to do a special boudoir editorial shoot with her boyfriend’s other love, his Mustang! Don’t ask me what year it is, I’m a girl, come on. She had made up an excuse for having to have it on the day we had scheduled the shoot and getting it away from her boyfriend was no easy task. The forecast was calling for rain but I was keeping my fingers crossed! Jessica was photographed at Bloomfield Farm and THANK GOD, they had a barn we were able to pull the car into and stay dry, at least for a while. We did make it up to a wispy knoll and then it began to rain! Not to hard, just a little bit. We decided to go with it and get a little wet, and those are my favorites. A little wet and wild. Jessica’s AMAZING shoes are all Louboutin’s! The white faux fur is “For Love and Lemons”
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