Holiday Family Photos/ Courtney and Peter’s Lifestyle Holiday family photo shoot

For almost a year, I’ve wanted to share this wonderful holiday family photo shoot! Courtney and I have been friends for about 15 years! We both ride at Chocolate Horse Farm and share the love of horses and riding! Courtney and her husband Peter recently restored a beautiful Victorian, complete with a carriage house on Petaluma’s west side. The home and the wonderful family inside it made for a lively and fun shoot which included brunch, games and lots of antics! Courtney and Peter’s 4 children and the family dog Daisy were the focus of the first part of the shoot. Later we were joined by Courtney’s Mom (also Courtney) and her husband Joe from Washington D.C./ Florida and her brother Harley and his family from Texas. Here is the back of the family’s Holiday Card this year which some of the amazing things they have been up to……




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